Omar Vega

Software Developer

Software developer and Systems Engineering student, I'm passionate about using technology to solve real-world challenges, committed to ongoing self-development and learning.

My technical skills include Angular for creating user interfaces, as well as Back-end development using NodeJS(Express / NestJs) or Springboot.

I bring a great attitude to every project, and I'm always eager to learn and grow.

  • Angular
  • React
  • Spring-boot
  • NestJs
  • Express
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Typescript

It Analyst

Gralco SA

Apr 2023 - Present

  • Creation and implementation of effective technology solutions. Assessing business and end-user needs. Working together with versatile teams to ensure successful completion of projects.
  • Worked on projects in the frontend using React and Angular and on the backend using Spring-boot for internal applications.


  • Overall Equipment effectiveness management system

    Developed a web application using Angular to calculate the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) on the company's production lines. The company faced challenges in accurately calculating and analyzing equipment efficiency, which was crucial for optimizing production processes and minimizing downtime.

    • Users input records immediately upon a shutdown, capturing the start time to ensure real-time data collection. At the end of the shutdown, they add additional detailed information, providing a comprehensive dataset.
    • This data is transmitted to a database where I created views to facilitate efficient querying, ensuring quick and easy access to the information.
    • An API built with Spring Boot retrieves this information from the database and returns it to the Angular application. This setup allows for the generation of detailed reports and comprehensive analysis by area and equipment.
    • As a result, supervisors can make data-driven decisions to enhance overall production efficiency.
  • Efficiency line management system

    Developed a web application for supervisors to monitor and track the efficiency of employees on the company's production lines.

    • The company faced challenges in tracking and analyzing employee performance, relying heavily on paper-based records. This manual system was inefficient, prone to errors, and lacked real-time data visibility.
    • The web application provided supervisors with the ability to view live data on employee performance, including task completion times and production rates.
    • The implementation of this system led to a significant improvement in production efficiency. Supervisors were able to make data-driven decisions, resulting in reduced downtime and increased overall productivity.
    • Additionally, the shift from a paper-based system to a digital one reduced the company's environmental footprint and operational costs.
  • Taxi vouchers management system

    Management of taxi vouchers for the company's employees.




    LinkedIn: Omar Vega

    Github: oavaDev